本帖最后由 秂忢空 于 2018-3-24 23:01 编辑
1)美国这届政府最显著的变化,是美方放弃花架子,贸易不再和人权挂钩。不再‘无端指责’中国人权状况。这个下面有时间的话再展开说说,涉及到被川普毙掉的TTP,也主导这次贸易战美方的策略。 SECRETARY TILLERSON: As to the discussions around human rights in China, I think America’s values are quite clear and they really occupied a core of all of our discussions. I don't think you have to have a separate conversation, somehow separate our core values around human rights from our economic discussions, our military-to-military discussions, or our foreign policy discussions. They’re really embedded in every discussion, that that is really what guides much of our view around how we're going to work together.
2)中国首次由最高领导人参见的中美峰会上表示:中国认识到高额贸易逆差给国内物价和货币政策带来的压力。后面这点非常重要,贸易逆差对中国人民没有太多好处。以前在央行在金融口甚至国务院有一些声音。但这次在峰会上确认,说明中国最高层认可了这个问题 SECRETARY ROSS:What I was going to say was simply that it was a very wide range of products that we discussed, not a particularly limited one. And the most interesting thing to me was they expressed an interest in reducing their net trade balance because of the impact it’s having on money supply and inflation. That's the first time I’ve heard them say that in a bilateral context.
以上内容来自于:Briefing by Secretary Tillerson,Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary Ross on President Trump's Meetings withPresident Xi of China Tideline Resortand Spa Palm Beach,Florida
被资深五毛追杀的我, 贴什么都战战兢兢。在自己的版亦是如此, 言必有出处。否则牛二的脖子会伸出好长好硬
Q There was anticipation that President Xi would come with some sort of gift for President Trump -- infrastructure investment, something that would demonstrate a Chinese commitment to having more jobs in the U.S. Was there anything like that?
SECRETARY ROSS: The best gift was his presence and the relationship what was built up between our President and President Xi.
Q Secretary Tillerson, Chinese media is reporting that President Trump was invited to visit China in 2017. Can you clarify just if that was the year that you’ve agreed to do this?
SECRETARYTILLERSON: The President did accept the invitation of President Xi to visit China. Now, the invitation was for a 2107 visit. The President said that he would look at the dates, and we would work with them to see when that visit might occur.
不久,川普在北京观龙廷坐龙椅听御戏赏御膳甚至特赏着看织造处锈龙袍,无疑于古代小诸侯打探到‘鼎’有多重一样的兴奋,屁颠屁颠地回来了。绕梁三日,手留余温,口存余香,言必北京,谈必习总。特别是事涉东朝鲜金三贤侄无照生产鞭炮钻天猴那事,妥妥的,搞定了呀。 |