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amstring 发表于 2015-2-23 09:20


Overview of Universal Audiovisual Media Group Inc in El Monte, CA

Universal Audiovisual Media Group Inc filed as a Articles of Incorporation in the State of California on Friday, December 6, 2013 and is approximately two years old, according to public records filed with California Secretary of State. The filing is currently active as of the last data refresh which occured on Sunday, June 22, 2014.

来源http://www.corporationwiki.com/p ... ual-media-group-inc

确切地说这公司也不在Arcadia(这地方学区比较好,房子略贵),而在更便宜的El Monte

注册人叫做 Kevin Lan,应该是个中国人吧。其它信息都没看到,大概就是个皮包公司?要知道这边注册个公司太简单了。

Universal Audiovisual Media Group Inc is a California Profit Corporation filed on December 6, 2013. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is C3624255.

The Registered Agent on file for this company is Kevin T Lan and is located at 2616 Parkway Dr El Monte, CA 91732. The company's principal address is 2616 Parkway Dr El Monte, CA 91732.