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标题: [闲谈] Yes, We Can! [打印本页]

作者: 棋王    时间: 2011-3-7 22:41     标题: Yes, We Can!

The market will continue to watch the developments in Libya and how that could continue to imapact oil, and traders will be keeping a watchful eye on Dow 12,000. We've essentially tested it 3 times in the last 8 days. The good news is each time, the market found buying come in at higher levels. The first time at 11,983. The second time at 12,018. And the third time (today) at 12,041. Let's hope that's the end of it.

作者: 西门吹雪    时间: 2011-3-7 22:43

The market will continue to watch the developments in Libya and how that could continue to imapact oil, and traders will be keeping a watchful eye on Dow 12,000. We've essentially tested it 3 times in ...
棋王 发表于 2011-3-7 21:41

作者: abcStock    时间: 2011-3-7 23:43

1# 棋王

作者: seafood    时间: 2011-3-7 23:52

1# 棋王

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-3-7 23:59

WV  that is not good
作者: shi333    时间: 2011-3-8 01:20

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