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标题: [原创] Time to eliminate the FED [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-2-9 21:04     标题: Time to eliminate the FED

This causes a major problem. A boom results, and overinvestment and excesses are built into the system, creating a bubble. A recession or depression doesn't come for some extraneous reason; it is a predictable result of the excessive credit and artificially low interest rates orchestrated by the Federal Reserve. ...

Although the central bank can get away with mismanagement of the economy for long periods of time, its policies are always destructive. Unchecked, the policies of a central bank lead to financial chaos, an example of which we are now experiencing. ...
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-2-9 21:05

Everybody recognizes difficult economic times when the predictable recession or depression hits. The problem, though, is that with the brainwashing in economics most Americans have received, the people are unaware of the cause of the problem and the policies needed to restore the economy. Too often the people, the politicians, and the central bankers demand more of the same--more spending, more deficits, more regulations, and above all else, more inflating of the currency--none of which will be helpful. Instead, they compound the problems.

People worry what would happen in a world without the Federal Reserve. My answer is that you would enjoy all the privileges of modern economic life without the downside of business cycles, bubbles, inflation, unsustainable trade imbalances, and the explosive growth of government that the Fed has fostered. You would also disempower the secretive cartel of powerful money managers who exercise disproportionate influence over the conduct of public policy.
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-2-9 21:09

作者: sweettomato    时间: 2011-2-9 21:25

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