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标题: [转贴] US Real GDP at new all-time high [打印本页]

作者: 何鸿燊    时间: 2011-1-28 11:24     标题: US Real GDP at new all-time high

本帖最后由 何鸿燊 于 2011-1-28 10:39 编辑

Commentary: U.S. economy now bigger than prior to Great Recession
By MarketWatch
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — Investors may be a little disappointed that the economic news released this morning didn’t show U.S. GDP to be growing as fast as economists had previously been expecting.

But there’s a potentially bigger story imbedded in this morning’s GDP report that should not be overlooked: The United States economy — in inflation-adjusted terms — has now completely recovered from the Great Recession of 2008-2009. Read more about GDP acceleration.

In fact, assuming the government’s estimate that real GDP grew at a 3.2% rate in the fourth quarter, it is now 2.5% higher than where it stood at its previous all-time high in late 2007.

Inflation squeezes the poor

Commodity price inflation has sparked riots in resource poor developing countries, like Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen. This is bound to spread. What's particularly worrying here is that the world's two most populous countries, China and India, are reliant on commodity imports.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t economic problems, needless to say. The unemployment rate remains stubbornly high, to mention one prominent example. But the stock market, being a cold and calculating mechanism, focuses ruthlessly on different factors, such as corporate earnings.

Which raises the question of why the stock market isn’t itself in new all-time territory, along with real GDP. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DOWJIA) , for example, is currently some 15% below its late-2007 high—even despite the market’s impressive recent strength.

Norman Fosback, editor of Fosback’s Fund Forecaster, believes the stock market is being held back by “extraordinary pessimism enveloping the consumer investing population, fanned by a fear-mongering financial media.”

— Mark Hulbert
作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-1-28 11:28

本帖最后由 not4weak 于 2011-1-28 11:30 编辑

LOMAO ....

FED can pump the money to have 1000% GDP growth like Zimbabwe. These stupid analysts didn't know what they are talking about.

He forgot to mention the debt. 5.7T spend just to gain the 3.2% GDP, what a joke.

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