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标题: [闲谈] US is pretty corrupted indeed [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-1-24 14:08     标题: US is pretty corrupted indeed

That is why it is decaying.
There is an interesting article, but it was too late.

There has been much discussion lately of how China survived the financial crisis much more robustly than the United States. Many credit Beijing's centralized power structure, which Sen. Harry Reid mistakenly (and foolishly) calls a dictatorship under President Hu Jintao. Political scientist Francis Fukuyama recently wrote that China's command system allows for a fast response to problems while America gets bogged down in partisan turf wars. In a shocking turnaround, Fukuyama even now argues that he was wrong to say democracy is the only path forward. You know Americans are questioning their core values when Fukuyama says that.

It is true that China's system can quickly push through changes like health care reforms while America's remains in gridlock. However, America should absolutely not move toward any kind of command structure for short-term gain. In the long term, the checks and balances of a democracy are needed to prevent tyrants from rising and to ensure creative thought. Yes, President Hu is focused on improving human rights and has the support of the Chinese people, but who is to say that will remain the case in five decades under other leaders?

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