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标题: [讨论] 油价涨了88%? [打印本页]

作者: not4weak    时间: 2011-1-14 11:10     标题: 油价涨了88%?

The expectations of most when reading Ben's words were that his helicopters would drop the dollars across America. What he has done is load up his helicopters with trillions of dollars and circled above Wall Street for two years continuously dropping his load. Bernanke's quantitative easing, which will triple the Fed's balance sheet by June of 2011, began in earnest in early 2009. The price for a gallon on gasoline was $1.62. Today, it is $3.05, an 88% increase in two years. Gold was $814 an ounce. Today, it is $1,421 an ounce, a 61% increase in two years. In the last year, the prices for copper, silver, cotton, wheat, corn, coffee and other commodities have risen in price by 30% to 90%.

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