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作者: st168    时间: 2010-12-14 21:15     标题: GNW 保险的简单FA分析 - turn around

By eiknarf of Hutong9

GNW 保险的简单FA分析 - turn around
3-5个月TAKRGET 20+

The company operates in three segments: Retirement and Protection, International, and U.S. Mortgage Insurance。


其国际BUSINESS,加拿大和澳大利亚的部分就能VALUE 12-15/每股,而加拿大澳大利亚作为原材料和农业的大出口国,现在STILL BOOMING,所以GNW在加澳的生意非常赚钱。

GNW在U.S. Mortgage Insurance还在亏钱,MARKET PRICE这部分BUSINESS为0。
而实际上,美国delinquencies过去几个Q一直在减少,随着QE2,新的TAXCUT的9000亿刺激, 美国经济明年GDP上调为3。5%,预计这块生意能基本很块小亏不亏钱。

FHA今年10月调高Mortgage Insurance的价格,这个对GNW是个BOOST,GNW开始重新写新的MI生意。


其他有利因素-在股东HF压力下,有可能STOCK BUYBACK或发红利。
作者: st168    时间: 2010-12-14 21:18

1# st168

   " . does it still have the risk related to the AIG such? or this guy is different? why it was sub $1 not long ago? "      Poo 发表于 2010-12-13 22:29

   一般保险公司是收PREMIUM,HOLD BOND赚利息。

GNW比AIG安全多了,GNW在加拿大澳大利亚的BUSINESS基本没有任何风险,杠杆也小多了。GNW就是在美国的生意也值10-15$的,现在开始价值回归,如果接下来美国经济有RECOVERY的话,美国经济不需要美国强GROWTH,只要GDP2011 增长》2.5%就行,而现在经济学家,GS等预测美国经济增长2011 3.5%左右。所以GNW可以BUY DIP,并且在金融保险里面比较安全,不一定是涨的最多的,但是很安全, risk/reward好.
作者: st168    时间: 2010-12-14 21:24

2# st168






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作者: st168    时间: 2010-12-14 21:34

2# st168

回复 11# eiknarf

some other insurance companies

Symbol         Price        P/B        5 Yr Avg P/B
ALL        28.98        0.9        1.5
CB        53.76        1.1        1.4
MET        41.42        0.9        1.2
PRU        59.08        1        1.4
TRV        50.27        0.9        1.2


GAAP book value is an unstable metric, particularly for financial companies that use aggressive investment strategies. Various nonGAAP book values are more stable and better reflected true values during the meltdown. In times of financial stress investors may be able to secure excellent returns by developing and applying an understanding of the asset valuation issues highlighted by these differences.

There is a potentially messy complication. Companies that are forced sellers either due to liquidity or de-risking concerns, such as pressure from rating agencies, can suffer rapid and permanent loss of value. At the bottom, there is always the fear that things could get worse, creating pressure to realize losses rather than hold through to recovery.

Book value cannot be used in isolation as an investment criterion. Investors should consider the risks and growth potential associated with the company's operations, as well as the quality of assets, the accuracy of estimated liabilities, and the investment philosophy employed. Under stable economic conditions and average levels of investor confidence insurance companies trade at a premium to tangible book value.

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