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Nobody forced u to come, nobody begged u to stay. If you do not like it, go home then. BTW, UC or UI ...
bluesky2003us 发表于 2011-12-27 12:45

First when i read this post I thought he is write it in an ironic way to express his unsatisfaction with China------by comparing the worst place in one of the worst american cities with China's self-labled "improvement", sky-scipers, countless pubs or say "entertainment biz", and other things.  After i read all the follow-ups, i am confused, totally.  Does he really mean what he wrote?  he really think States is way worse than China?  
he certainly did not see the whole aspects of american cities, not even have a clue of the american standart for a city.  I guess "frog in a well" is talking about a peerson like this.

没去过美国不太清楚啊  可能是一下子生活落差太大 发泄一下吧
但中国的吃的绝对是非常不错啊  虽然总说物价不断上涨 但国家不还在调控嘛
而且起码想吃的能吃到 无非是多花点钱
我一朋友也是娇生惯养的货 一直瘦不下来 去日本几个月脸就尖了
也知道节俭 体谅人了  但这种改变有时候挺让人心疼的