Pay me 5000 I tell you how to win the case...
来源: borisg于 2018-07-13 18:23:09 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 856 次
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回答: 步步惊心 --- 请大家尤其经历过驱赶上诉和小额法庭的童鞋支招 由 IEbird于 2018-07-13 15:38:42
1. my understanding is that his daughter is not qualified as a third party to serve the court paper.
Failing to serve by the proper procedure, case automatically dismissed.
Oops, I forgot, looks like the daughter of the tenant gave you the paper at least one month before the court date. This does not fall into allowed dates of serving court paper (you have to check at least and at most how many days before the court date the paper can be served.
2. Counter sue whatever loss you have incurred (back rent, court fee, parking at city hall, lost wages, ...
) immediately before the court date.
3. I don't remember the detail of this case. If the eviction is done by the police or marshall, then he is suing the wrong person, you are not the person that evicted them, it is the court that issued the eviction order. |